Sunday, February 7, 2010

i built your cupboards out of my bones, shoveled your snow with an ice cream cone

so reading over those earlier entries i'm totally ashamed of my half-assed attempt at blogging at the beginning of the summer. i wrote a bunch of really lame entries and then as soon as my life got interesting i stopped updating. SO! i'm back. my life is not nearly as exciting now as it was for the past 6 months while i was living and working in hollywood... but oh well. can't win 'em all.

just a few small notes tonight. baby steps back into the blogging world.

-this is what i want to tell people every time they ask me why i want to be an editor-
(at about 2:20)

-i watched a really good documentary about typography tonight called "Helvetica." a lot more interesting that i thought it would be (after all, it's about a font) and worth checking out whether you're into graphic design or not. i think you can probably find it online, or netflix it.

well it's 3am so that means lights out for me.

puddle jump: homework these days really only includes watching and reading about really interesting things

puddle dive: hangover city until about 5pm today :-/

1 comment:

  1. hello my peach! please come to the argentine to dive in puddles with me because it has been raining every day. diegos and beanies falling from the sky like anxious animales.

    i'm excited i can now stalk you via blog. you are going to bed at 3 am these days? that seems early for you, you insomniac. here they go to bed at like 5 am, but i am lame so i don't do that. maybe i'll get around to it eventually.

